How do you know if you are in a relationship that is working?

You’ve been through a lot together, you have worked through some really tough internal parts of yourself  and yet managed to stay strong and hold together.  You may have dipped and ploughed to the lower curve of the “this is not working, and I think I will have to leave this relationship” and then sky rocketed to the top of the curve and taking a breath of air and realising that that moment in time in your relationship you made it back up and you are again moving together.

How do we know if this person that we are with at the time is the one forever?  We don’t.  we don’t know and we won’t ever know until we know.  Until it is the end or until it never ended. Some people choose to never have it end no matter what for their value systems and beliefs that a marriage should never end under all circumstances.  Be it the kids, the finances or religious, and or family values regardless of the amount of betrayals, indiscretions, or disconnection that there is between the two people.  These people just happen to decide that the marriage is the value and we will stay no matter what and these people tend to fill their unmet needs in a marriage outside of the marriage. 

How do you know that this person you are with is the one? It is the question that we all want to know. And why do we want to know this?  We want to know because of security.  Because we as beings need security and in security, we find safety and comfort and stillness. People will say, “I found the one” or “I Knew when I met them that they were the one”.  We will never truly know until we know. Until the moment has arrived, until the ending is there whether in life or the ending in death from two people physically becoming now one.

What is best for you and your life? Let’s come together to untangle the complexities and challenges of life and find out how I can best support you. Contact me here to get started


How do you know if they are ‘The One’?


The Search for Love: Finding Light Within Ourselves